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Brett Barley kick’s off his 2022 vlogging season with another classic documentation of his life as a born and bred Outer Banker and lifetime Buxton-ite.  Once again it is an excellently filmed, edited and narrated production as his drops continue to contain some of the best, most consistently high quality content of any solo surf blogger out there about a place that is near and dear to every East Coaster that is an automatic press play. Here is what BB has to say about 3 / 2. – Mez –

–Season 3: Episode 12– “After the Atlantic went dormant from the end of November through December, 2022 is kicking right into gear! We got smoked by an insanely strong storm, and the waves went off. The weather and waves kept pulling 180s on us, keeping us on our toes, and left us chasing waves down left and right… but we prevailed and scored!”. – Brett Barley –