When Asher Nolan offers to get you on a trip to video all the action and then break it down daily from his perspective as a top competitor, one of the best ever from the east coast who easily handled his business in the international arena as well, you don’t ask questions except what time do I need to be at the airport. Benji Lange and Lanea Mon’s along with her dad, Chris Mons booked their tickets to base Ramey and scored super fun, late October waves waves along with all the knowledge ‘Slash could impart to them which it clearly shows in two groms burgeoning abilities. Check out a couple of the Slash’s own rides at the 2:00 minute mark ( hey, you can’t shoot all day and we think he has a surf break clause in the “Slash Camp” contract ) and you have the footage of a coach who obviously walks it – or in his case surfs it – like he talks it. – Mez –